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Larne Grammar School

Extra & Co-Curricular Programme 2023-24



Staff member in charge

Other staff involved

Pupils eligible to participate


No. of pupils involved

Other information

Art Club

Mrs Millar


All year groups

Wednesdays (fortnightly)




Art in the community

Mrs Agass

Mr King

Gifted and Talented Artists - invited



Pupils are invited to participate in artwork which is displayed by the council around Larne. Mr King liaises with the council.

Art Drop In

Mrs Agass


8-14 Art Students

Every lunchtime


Catch up on Art

Eat your lunch

Listen to music



Mr Stirling (Boys)


Mrs Knox (Girls)

Miss Hamilton

Mr Cartmill

Mrs McIlwaine



External Coaches (Past Pupils):

Jamie Ross

Morganne Beggs

Keeva Bell

Anna Campbell

Scott Alexander

Jack Wallace

Robin Wynn

Tom Meban

Year 8 – 14 (Boys & Girls)

April – June

(Tuesday & Thursday weekly, 3.30 – 4.30)

Previous years would suggest that we can expect 60-70 pupils with the vast majority coming from Year 8 – 11.

Pupils entered into NEBSSA competitions and Ulster Districts Competitions in April/May time.


12 Pupils (Year 8 – Year 13) have been entered into the USSA Multi Events Championships (Sept 2023)

Carnegie Shadowing Group

Mrs Apsley

Miss Newton

Years 8-14

Lunch time on Mondays in A10

20 (approx.)

Beginning end October, just before nominees are announced


Mrs Hyndman

Mrs Steenson

Mrs Pyper

Mrs Knox

Years 13 and 14

As required

Aim to meet once/twice a month on Wednesdays @ 2.20pm

30 (approx.)


Core committee made up of Year 13 and 14 pupils and reps from each of the sub committees


Each subcommittee has a specific role e.g. publicity, liaising with Staff etc

Form Prefects also help out

Chess Club

Mr McNaughten

Mrs A Campbell

Years 8-14

No specific day but pupils can play chess anytime the library is open, except during study periods



Cookery Club

Mrs Creighton

Mrs Beck


Tuesdays (starting Oct 2023, 3.20-4.20pm)

Maximum of 10 pupils

This will continue on a weekly basis and will start with year 9s (block of 4 weeks)


Mr Cartmill


Miss Hamilton

Year 8 – 11 (Boys & Girls)

April – June

(Tuesday & Wednesday weekly, 3.30 – 4.30)

Year 8 – 20

Year 9 – 20

Year 10 – 20

Year 11 – 10 

Interschool fixtures played mid-week


Mrs Devlin


Years 8 - 14

Friday 3:30-4:30


Sports Hall


Darts Club

Mr McCoy


Year 8 - 14

Lunch times from 1.20pm:

Year 11-12 Tuesdays

Year 8-10 Wednesday

Competitive matches (invite only) Thursdays

Maximum of 15 pupils each

Sign up to the Darts Google Classroom via the QR code on the posters around the school.

Equipment provided


Mrs Scott


Year 8 - 11

Competitions & debates in the Lecture Theatre throughout the year



Junior Drama Club

Miss Newton


Years 8-9

Lunch time on Wednesdays in the Lecture Theatre

20 approx.



Mrs McIlwaine


Year 8-11 (Girls)

April – June (Monday 3.30-4.30)

Year 8 – 15

Year 9 – 15

Year 10 – 15

Year 11 - 15

Interschool tournaments played mid-week

Games Club

Mrs Steele

Classroom Assistants plus Senior mentors/prefects on duty throughout.

Staff check in

All welcome although targeted SEN pupils who find it difficult to form friend groups

Every day at lunch in B8


During registration x2 per week for small group of KS3 girls


Crafts, art, jigsaws, chess, crochet also available

Gym Club

Mr McNaughten

Mr Hill

Mr McMurran

Years 8-14, as long as numbers are not excessive – priority given to senior year groups

Tues 3:30-4:30

Maximum 40


History - Educational Outreach Programmes

Miss Weir

Other History staff to help with invigilation at event


Years 8-9


All pupils in individual year groups



Mrs Knox

Mrs McIlwaine

Miss Hamilton

Mr King

Mrs. Childs

External Coaches:

M. Beggs

E. Maguire

Anna Campbell

Amy Campbell

G. Nelson

K. Bell

Years 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Hockey Season (September – February)

Yr 9 Monday 3:30-4.30


Yr 11 Tues 3:30 - 4.30


Yr 11, 12, 13, 14

Monday 3:30 – 4:30pm

Wednesday 3:20-4.40


Yr 10 Tues 3:30 – 4:30 & Thurs 3:20 - 4.15


Yr 8 Friday 3.20 - 4:15














25 TBC extra curricular begins in Oct.

Weekly Saturday fixtures 19 per year, plus cup / plate matches


Saturday fixtures for yr 9 – 14,

9am – 1pm


Yr 8 fixtures Fri afternoons

Nov – March when appropriate


(Maths enrichment)

A mixture of Maths puzzles, competitions and games.

Mrs Fraser

Mr Lambe

Other members of the Maths dept.

Years 8-14

Tuesday 1:25-1:45pm

(beginning Nov 2023)



Literacy Mentoring

Mrs Herron

Mrs Herron

Literacy Leaders and targeted pupils

Thursday, during registration

Approximately 10 Mentees, and 10 PLLs

Literacy Mentoring

Peer Mentoring

Miss Newton

Mr Kirkpatrick Mrs Horner

Trained mentors & underachieving/ targets pupils (academically & pastorally)

Monday – Wednesday during reg.

100+ (Years gone by, dropped last year due to Covid)

Mentors can also be used as Classroom Assistants during Independent Study, when required.

Modern Languages Club

Mrs Childs


Years 8-14

Wednesday Lunchtime (Sept-Oct half term; Jan-Feb half term)



Music – Senior Choir

Mrs Lovell

Miss Gormley


Years 11 – 14

Monday 1.25pm-1.50pm

Monday 3:30-4:30 (twice a month)


Music Room

Music – Junior Choir

Miss Gormley


Years 8 – 10

Wednesday 3:30-4:30


Music Room

Music - Choral Group

Miss Dalzell

Mrs Lovell

Girls Years 11 – 14


3.30 – 4.30pm


Music Room

Music - Orchestra

Mrs Lovell


Years 8 – 14


3.30 – 4.30pm


Music Room

Music – Brass Group

Mr McCartan


Years 8 – 14

Wednesday 1.25pm-1.50pm


Practice Rooms

Music – Woodwind Group

Mrs Lovell


Years 8 – 14

Tuesday 1.25pm-1.50pm



Music – Violin Group

Miss Gormley


Years 8-14

Tuesday 1:15-1:45


Practice Room


Mrs McIlwaine

Mrs. Knox / Miss Hamilton TBC


TBC Betty Wilson (Larne Netball Club)

Year 8 - 12

Tuesday – yr 9 and 10 3.30-4.30


Thursday – yr 11 +12


20 approx.



20 approx.

Fixtures mid week  

Nov – March when appropriate

RE Visits:

Church Trail, Larne

Mrs Hyndman

Mrs Steenson

Year 12



39 pupils



Junior Reading Group

Mrs Campbell


Years 8-10

Four times per year




Mr Stirling

Mr Cartmill

Mr Rea

Mr Magill

Mr Kirkpatrick


External Coaches (Past Pupils):

Jamie Ross

Jordan McIlhinney

Calum McKay

Robin Wynn

Scott Alexander

Tom Meban

Stuart McAlister

Jack Wallace


Year 8 - Year 14 (Boys)


Girls in Year 8: allowed but not actively encouraged

Rugby Season (September – March)


Year 8

Wed (3.30 – 4.30)

Saturday (8.15 – 9.15)


Year 9

Monday (3.20 – 4.30)

Wed (3.20 – 4.30)

Thursday (3.30 – 4.30)

Sat Match (9.00-11.00)


Year 10

Tuesday (3.30 – 4.30)

Thursday (3.20 – 4.15)

Sat Match (9.00–11.00)


Year 11

Tuesday (3.20 – 4.30)

Thursday (3.30 – 4.30)

Friday (1.15 – 1.40)

Sat Match (9.00–11.00)


Senior Rugby (Year 12, 13, 14)

Tuesday (3.30 – 4.30)

Wed (3.30 – 4.15)

Thursday (3.30 – 4.30)

Sat Match (9.00–11.00)

Year 8 (30-40)


Year 9 (35)


Year 10 (35)


Year 11 (25)


Senior School (35)

Year 8 Matches commence on 14th October


Aim is for the pupils to play as much inter-school rugby as possible. Ranging from 20-25 fixtures per year.

Rugby Strength and Conditioning

Mr Stirling

Mr Cartmill

Mr Magill

Year 10 (Mr Magill)


Medallion (Mr Cartmill)


Senior Rugby (Mr Stirling)

Year 10 S&C Wednesday (3.30 – 4.30)


Year 11 S&C

Monday & Wednesday (7.15 – 8.00)


Senior S&C

Tuesday & Thursday (7.30 – 8.30)

Year 10 (25)


Medallion (23)


Seniors (25)


Mixed Tag Rugby (Boys & Girls)

Mr Stirling

External Coaches (Past Pupils):

Jordan McIlhinney

Jamie Ross

Scott Alexander

Jack Wallace

Robin Wynn

Tom Meban

Year 9 - 11

Twice weekly post rugby/hockey season.

Previous years suggest 20-25 pupils attend.


Junior Scrabble Club

Mr Hunter


Years 8-10

Thursday lunchtime

20 max.


Scripture Union

Mrs Blackwell

Mr McGeagh

Mr Lambe

Mr McCoy

Mr Mauger

Mrs Officer

Miss Newton


Once a week Thursday 3.20pm -4.20pm.

Usually around 30 except for special events when usually more.


Ski Trip

Mr McGeagh

Mr McGeagh

Mr McNaughten

Mr McMurran

& Various others depending on availability


Junior -Years 9-11





Approximately 60 with 7 staff


Technology Hub

Mr Beattie


Years 12-14

Lunch times and after school


Open to all pupils doing Technology at GCSE, AS and A2 level


Mr Rea



May & June, 2 afternoons per week (demand dependent) between 3.25 and 4.30.

Varies between 4 and 20.

Enter local Belfast & District Schools’ Leagues and Cups.


Mr Stirling

Mrs Knox

Mr Cartmill

Miss Hamilton

Mrs McIlwaine

Year 10 – Year 12 (Prospective GCSE and Current PE GCSE Pupils)

Once weekly between Easter and the end of May


Pupils compete in Ulster Schools’ U16 & U15 Volleyball Cup and NEBSSA Volleyball Events

Wimbledon Trip

Mr Rea

Varies depending on numbers


End of June/start of July



Zombie Workshop

Mrs Campbell


Years 8-10

Running for 6 weeks over February and March at lunchtime on a Thursday in the Library
